Körin & Kenzan: square dish with design of Daikoku (god of goodluck), iron brown under glaze

Körin & Kenzan: square dish with design of Daikoku (god of goodluck), iron brown under glaze
Körin & Kenzan: square dish with design of Daikoku (god of goodluck), iron brown under glaze
Körin & Kenzan: square dish with design of Daikoku (god of goodluck), iron brown under glaze

Height 2.9cm, mouth diameter 22.0cm x 22.0cm
Fujita Museum of Art
 This plate, one of ten in the Fujita Museum collection, depicts Daikoku and is also inscribed “Hohashi Korin Painting” with the inscription “Qianzan” on the reverse side. This type of plate was called “lid-shaped” in the old days, and we have seen a box with the inscription “Qianzan inkstone lid” on the back of the lid.

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