Akaneya Nasubi

Akaneya Nasubi

A major specialty. Karamono eggplant tea caddy. The name comes from the fact that it was owned by Yoshimatsu Akaneya of Sakai. It is a very large size compared to a normal eggplant tea caddy, and is entirely without a bottle. It is described as having the appearance of a fullness and richness. The glaze is chestnut brown and shiny, and there is a single line of stripes on the body. It was owned by Ieyasu Tokugawa after Yoshimatsu Akaneya, and then Yoshinao Yoshinao, the founder of the Owari family, received it and it was handed down to his family. (Kokin Meibutsu Ruiju, “Bishu Tokugawa Family Collection Ledger,” “Taisho Meikikan”)

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