Ezoe Magoemon
Ezoe Magoemon

Born on February 6, 1885 in Arita-cho, Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga Prefecture, Ezoe Magoemon graduated from Arita Technical School in April 1905 and from Tokyo Higher Technical School (now Tokyo Institute of Technology) in July 1909 (Jintaro Takayama, head of ceramics department; Kosuke Hirano, vice head; Yaichiro Kitamura, professor; Rihachi Shibata, assistant professor; and Namiyama Itaya, lecturer), Immediately after graduation, he joined Nippon Toki Gomei Kaisha and was in charge of the saya factory. In 1918, he was transferred to the Insulator Department, and the following year, he established Nippon Insulator Co. He was appointed to the position of General Manager of the Engineering Department when Nippon Insulators Co.
In 1929, he became Managing Director; in 1930, he became Chairman of the First Committee for the Improvement of the Ceramic Industry; in 1931, he became Chairman of the Business Committee of the Japan Ceramic Federation; in 1936, he became President of Nippon Tokushu Tokushu Toryo K.K. when it was established (also Managing Director of Nippon Insulator); in October 1939, he became President of Nippon Insulator; in May 1944, he retired as President of both companies, He became mayor of Arita Town in April 1947, president of Toyo Toki Co.

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