Kyogoku nasubi (Kyogoku eggplant)

Kyogoku nasubi (Kyogoku eggplant)

A great specialty. Eggplant tea container by Han. It is also known as “Oda eggplant. The name may come from the fact that it was originally owned by the Kyogoku family. The name “Oda eggplant” is derived from the fact that it was owned by Oda Sangoro (grandson of Yurakusai, known as “Kayu”). This tea caddy is elegant, finely crafted, and richly scenic. It was originally owned by Handa Shokazu, a tea master of the Muromachi Shogunate, and passed down to Ishibashi Dosanori (also known as Ryojoki or Tennojiya), then to Harima no Hitozenkai, then to Hideyoshi, then to Oda Yurakusai, then to his grandson Sangoro Kakyu, then to Ieyasu, and later to Tokugawa Tsunashige in Kofu, and after his death to his son Tsunayo, who presented it to the shogunate as a gift for the succession of the Tokugawa shogunate. After Tsunashige’s death, his son Tsunayo presented it to the Shogunate as a gift for his successor, and it was again given to the Shogunate. (Tsuda Munenori Chayu Nikki, Taisho Meikikan)

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