Koshin Ido (Gangchen Well)

Koshin Ido (Gangchen Well)
Koshin Ido (Gangchen Well)
Koshin Ido (Gangchen Well)

Specialty. Korean tea bowl, old well. It was owned by Ejen Soza, hence the name. It is a masterpiece of great power and precision in small size. It was handed down from the Senke to Yamanaka Ryouju and Matsudaira Shuhomori, and is described in “Kushinroku” by Honya Ryougei as “Esen Ido, Takadai no Tokoro nuke zai, from Matsudaira Shuhomori during the Tenpo period (1830-44), 200 gold pieces of 1,000 ryo. The money was then passed on to Hirase Kamenosuke, Toda Rogin, Mura Hikobei, and Shima Tokuzo. (Taisho Meikikan)

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