Shukai (sea of sake)

Shukai (sea of sake)
Shukai (sea of sake)
Shukai (sea of sake)

A vessel for holding sake. The 蔣蔣魴切韻 says, “A barrel is a sea of wine”. However, the Japanese Name Synopsis (倭名類聚鈔) says, “Now I think that the common use of shukai is different from the use of shukai. The “Japanese Names and Classification Chao” notes, however, that “the sake sea used in the common usage is different from the sake sea used in the Chinese usage, and therefore I will list them separately. The same book lists sakkai as part of the lacquerware category, and the Engishiki also mentions “red lacquerware,” which suggests that lacquerware was the most common item at the time. However, the Engishiki also mentions gilt bronze sakkai elsewhere. In the “E-ke Yochi” (E Family Handbook, 17), there is a reference to a “ceramic sake cup” with a “diameter of about 1 shaku 5 sun. It may be an unglazed vessel similar to a rice bowl.

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