Yonehakari (rice weight)

Yonehakari (rice weight)
Yonehakari (rice weight)
Yonehakari (rice weight)

This is one of the so-called ko-karatsu wares. It is said to have been made during the Genko period (1321-14). It has a thin glaze on the surface of the pottery, but there is no moisture on the surface. The theory that it was used for toshitsu has not been proven true. The reason for this is evident in the irregularity of its shape. It is simply named after the place where rice was scooped.
This hand was excavated from the Kishitake Iidong Jar Kiln, Iidong Jarjo Kiln, Kojukansha Kiln, and other kilns. It is a blue-yellow glazed bowl or dish with distortion due to misfiring.

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