Shino tea bowl of temmoku type

Shino tea bowl of temmoku type
Shino tea bowl of temmoku type
Shino tea bowl of temmoku type

Height 8.3 cm, mouth diameter 13.1 cm, base diameter 5.2 cm
 This Momoyama period tenmoku is thought to have been fired in a kiln under the kiln at Ohgaya. The shape is quite different from the so-called Seto Tenmoku, which is a copy of Karamono Tenmoku, and the undermouth is strongly hollowed out and the base is already in the Japanese style. Furthermore, the whitish glaze is a Shino glaze peculiar to the Momoyama period, which is different from Seto Shiratenmoku tea bowls in that it is made of feldspar alone. However, it does not have the reddish color of the painted Shino glaze and has rough penetrations due to the thickness of the glaze.

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