Yellow Seto lobed bowl

Yellow Seto lobed bowl
Yellow Seto lobed bowl
Yellow Seto lobed bowl

Height 5.6 cm, mouth diameter 15.4 cm, bottom diameter 10.3 cm
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 This bowl, commonly called a chrysanthemum bowl, once came in a set of five, but is now in the collection of the Hatayama Memorial Museum. The glazed surface is slightly whitish, which is ideal for Kizeto ware. Looking at a large number of Kizeto wares, this type of glaze tone seems to be rather tasteful. The glazed surface is soft, with line engraving of cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums on the prospective flanks, with gallbladder over the cherry blossoms and iron glaze over the chrysanthemums. It is mounted on a low glazed stand.

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