É (with painted ornament) Seto tea bowl with scrolling chrysanthemum design

É (with painted ornament) Seto tea bowl with scrolling chrysanthemum design
É (with painted ornament) Seto tea bowl with scrolling chrysanthemum design
É (with painted ornament) Seto tea bowl with scrolling chrysanthemum design

Height 8.4 cm, mouth diameter 12.7 cm, base diameter 61.4 cm
 As already mentioned, Kizeto in the Momoyama period was characterized by the development of tea ceramics on a base of large and small chrysanthemum dishes in the gutekutei style. After the Genna period, the production of tea ceramics declined, and ash-glazed wares in the so-called “Omukai style” began to be fired at Ohira and other kilns. This tea bowl is called “Ko-e Seto Tea Bowl” among tea masters, and is an extremely rare example. It is thought to be an imitation of the “Benian tea bowl” that was handed down in the Tokugawa family, and was probably fired in the early period at Mifukui.

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