Seto tea bowl of temmoku type

Seto tea bowl of temmoku type
Seto tea bowl of temmoku type
Seto tea bowl of temmoku type

Height 6.8 cm, mouth diameter 12.3 cm, base diameter 4.6 cm
Tokyo National Museum
 This bowl is presumed to be a tenmoku tea bowl fired in Mino during the late Muromachi period (1333-1573). The clay is a slightly iron-bearing clay, clearly of Mino origin.
The inside of the bowl has been cut very shallowly, and the brown glaze has been applied to the inside surface and the outer edge of the bowl. It is an early example, with a silver rim over the mouth and traces of red lacquer writing on the base. It was donated to the Tokyo National Museum by Nakajima Yoichi.

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