Black Oribe “shoe”-shaped tea bowl

Black Oribe "shoe"-shaped tea bowl
Black Oribe "shoe"-shaped tea bowl
Black Oribe “shoe”-shaped tea bowl

Height 7.5cm, mouth diameter 9.1cm x 12.6cm, base diameter 5.4cm
 This is a semi-cylindrical tea bowl with a tight waist, the mouth is distorted into an almost triangular shape, one side of the body is strongly indented, and the outer side is scraped off with black glaze to make a white band of white slip in the shape of a mountain. The outer surface is scraped off with black glaze, and a band of white slip is wavy in a mountainous shape. The prospect is also decorated with a half-moon shaped white slip, which is an eccentric yet clear pattern. The base is rounded and cut out in a straight line, and the black glaze blends well with the jet-black color of the bowl.

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