Temmoku tea bowl with design of arrow and target, E-garatsu type

Temmoku tea bowl with design of arrow and target, E-garatsu type
Temmoku tea bowl with design of arrow and target, E-garatsu type
Temmoku tea bowl with design of arrow and target, E-garatsu type

Height 6.4 cm, mouth diameter 11.8 cm, base diameter 4.3 cm
Idemitsu Museum of Arts
 Karatsu ware also imitated Shino and Oribe’s tenmoku type tea bowls, and also produced black candy glazed bowls and bowls with painted patterns like this one. Compared to the previous example, the rise is shallower and the mouth is stepped, suggesting the collapse of the Momoyama style as a form of Tenmoku teacups. The rounded base has been carved out in a straightforward manner, and the cutting inside the base is also deep. On the body, there are two arrows on one side and a design of a target and an arrow on the other side, which is an unparalleled design.

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