Bizen Water jar of e-boshi (ceremonial head-gear) shape

Bizen Water jar of e-boshi (ceremonial head-gear) shape
Bizen Water jar of e-boshi (ceremonial head-gear) shape
Bizen Water jar of e-boshi (ceremonial head-gear) shape

Height 16.0 cm, mouth diameter 16.0 cm x 21 cm, bottom diameter 18.4 cm x 18.8 cm, Fujita Museum of Art
 This is a well-known representative of the oshibo-shaped water jar, and the inscription “Ehoshibako” on the lid of the inner box was written by Kobori Enshu, and is considered to be a Chukko masterpiece. It has a diamond-shaped form, and the entire outer surface is slightly coated with a faded glaze, forming what is known as an “enokihada” glaze, while a red clay surface is visible on one side of the inner and outer surfaces. The bottom of the vessel is in the geta-bottom style, and the appearance of the bottom suggests that it is a surprisingly old piece. It is estimated that this type of ware was made in the early Edo period (1603-1868), but it may be even older.

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