Bizen Flower vase with bulb above cylindrical tall neck

Bizen Flower vase with bulb above cylindrical tall neck
Bizen Flower vase with bulb above cylindrical tall neck
Bizen Flower vase with bulb above cylindrical tall neck

Height 23.7 cm, mouth diameter 3.2 cm, body diameter 12.8 cm, bottom diameter 7.0 cm
 This flower vase has a rounded body and a citrus-shaped mouth, and is probably based on an old copper citrus-shaped vase. The style is similar to those of tea vases inscribed “Suoi” and “Sekiji,” and it is assumed to have been made during the Momoyama period (1568-1600). The body is covered with a thick sesame glaze from the neck to the body, and the back is blackish brown. It may be an early Ibe hand. The flat bottom has a kiln mark carved in spatula.

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