Bizen Shallow bowl in shape of ha If-moon

Bizen Shallow bowl in shape of ha If-moon
Bizen Shallow bowl in shape of ha If-moon
Bizen Shallow bowl in shape of ha If-moon

Height 5.6 cm, mouth diameter 28.8 x 33.0 cm, bottom diameter 24.0 x 25.8 cm
 Both of these bowls are large flat bowls with a length of over 1 shaku, and are made in the shape of a half-moon by bending one side of the rim. The ash is heavily sprinkled on the surface, leaving a reddish residue in the prospect, and the scene is truly vivid. It is probably the finest of its kind. The reverse side has a rounded mark and a kiln mark in one corner of the bottom. There are two round kiln marks, one on the bottom and one on the prospective side.

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