Shigaraki Triangular flower vase

Shigaraki Triangular flower vase
Shigaraki Triangular flower vase
Shigaraki Triangular flower vase

Height 22.8 cm, mouth diameter 14.7 cm, bottom diameter 14.5 cm
 This hana-jinn is almost triangular in shape from the mouth to the base of the body, with a spatula on the body and the word “shin” carved on the bottom. The body has a spatula with the word “shin” carved on the bottom. This is also a very popular type of shinbei Shigaraki from the ancient times. It is sometimes used as a mizusashi with a lid, but it seems to have been made as a flower vase in the past, and there are traces of a hole with a pattern under the mouth. The clay surface is soft and smooth, and some of it is covered with an ash glaze. Several pieces of exactly the same shape have been handed down.

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