Height 9.8cm, mouth diameter 10.5cm x 12.2cm, base diameter 5.6cm x 6.0cm
Nezu Museum
This is by the same artist as the “Hikimusu” tea bowl, and is also considered to be a representative of Shinbei Shigaraki tea bowls, as it has the character “Shin” on the right side of the base.
It is a small, deep tea bowl with the body made of clay plates joined into a ring shape, and the bottom is made in the style of a handbag. The mouth is distorted and the bottom is rounded, with a rounded base like Shino tea bowls. One side of the body is sprinkled with ash like sesame seeds, and the interior has a thin sleeve skin. The circular pattern on the front of the body may have been made when the bottom of the bowl was inserted. It may have been handmade by Arirai Shinbei.