Large wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware

Large wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware
Large wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware
Large wine bottle with water plantain design, enamelled ware

Height: 37.2 cm, Bore: 5.1 cm, Body: 20.0 cm, Bottom: 12.3 cm, Tokyo National Museum
 This large, imposing sake cup is made of the same material as the one shown in the previous figure. The base is exactly the same as that of the previous piece. The neck and shoulders are covered with several red bands, and the hem is also covered with a red band that extends to the base. The body is decorated with a large iR bay pattern, and the ground is decorated with ume bowls and fine oblique line drawings. The ground pattern is exactly the same as on the previous piece, and it is thought that this piece was also made during the early Kanbun period.

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