Figure of a seated woman, enamelled ware

Figure of a seated woman, enamelled ware
Figure of a seated woman, enamelled ware
Figure of a seated woman, enamelled ware

Height 26.5cm, left and right 24.8cm
 Kakiemon-style color paintings of dolls with kosode and uchikake (a type of kimono with a kimono overlay) similar to the designs shown in hina dolls of the same period and with gosho topknots, which were popular from the Kanbun to Genroku periods, are still widely found in Japan. Many of these dolls were exported to Europe in the past and still remain in Europe, and most of the dolls in Japan have been imported in recent years. Most of them are standing figures, but this doll is seated on its knees and leaning on its side. There are only a few dolls in Europe, one in the Rockefeller Collection in the U.S., and two in Japan. She wears a red kosode (kosode kimono) with a white floral design on a red ground, with a chrysanthemum flow-through design on the entire surface. The seated posture is excellent, and it is rare to find a piece with no flaws down to the fingertips.

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