Wine cup with floral scroll design. undergiaze blue. overglaze enamels

Wine cup with floral scroll design. undergiaze blue. overglaze enamels
Wine cup with floral scroll design. undergiaze blue. overglaze enamels
Wine cup with floral scroll design. undergiaze blue. overglaze enamels

Height 6.4 cm, mouth diameter 6.6 x 4.9 cm, bottom diameter 3.5 cm
 These works were conventionally called “Matsugaya,” but as already mentioned, they are assumed to belong to the Ko-Nabeshima group. All of the color paintings are made in both underglaze blue and overglaze blue, and are lacquered in the style of kotogitate. The molding is die-cut, but the pieces are thick and solid. The purpose of each of these vessels seems to have been the same, and they may have been made as booze cups. Some of them have thin tubes attached to the sides. Some of them are covered with a residue of overglaze painting, which is quite careless, yet they have a certain dignity.

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