Ninsei: water jar with wave and chrysanthemum design, enamelled ware

Ninsei: water jar with wave and chrysanthemum design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: water jar with wave and chrysanthemum design, enamelled ware
Ninsei: water jar with wave and chrysanthemum design, enamelled ware

Height 15.5cm, inner diameter 10.3cm, bottom diameter 11.0cm
Gyokusui Art Museum
 This water jar has the same shape as the previous one, and the lotus petal design around the mouth is similar, although the colors are different. The body is covered with a white, soft and smooth glaze, and the hem of the body is decorated with waves and chrysanthemums, the so-called Kikusui design, which is similar to the design used on costumes from the Kanbun period. The gold and red stripes around the shoulders are also effective. The bottom of this piece also has a shallowly carved bottom, and a large seal of “Ninsei” is stamped in the center of the left side, exactly the same as the water jar in the previous illustration, with a vivid seal. There are about seven finger marks on the bottom of the body, and the clay is white, fine, and sticky.
 The inner box is inscribed “Chrysanthemum Water Jar, by Ninsei.” It was formerly in the Fujita family collection, but was later acquired by the Yamaguchi family and transferred to the Drikusui Art Museum.

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