Ninsei: pair of tea bowls with lozenge design, enamelled ware with goldand silver decoration

Ninsei: pair of tea bowls with lozenge design, enamelled ware with goldand silver decoration

Gold Lingzhi
Height 8.1cm, mouth diameter 8.9cm, base diameter 4.9cm
Silver Lingzhi
Height 9.2cm, Diameter 9.9cm, Base 4.9cm
MOA Museum of Art
 This is a tea bowl with a gold diamond design inside a silver diamond bowl, which is larger than the other two.
 Both bowls have a white glazed body covered with a diamond pattern and a lotus petal design on the lower half of the body. The white glazed surface is slightly different from that of tea pots, and is probably due to the high content of feldspar. The interior of both bowls are fully covered with black glaze, and both bowls have a thin layer of water glaze on the clearly carved base. The use of gold, silver, black, green, red, and other vivid colors is effectively arranged to create a graceful and elegant design, which is also unique to Insei. The potter’s wheel has been ground thinly and evenly, and the body has a slight bulge, which adds softness to the shape of the bowl.
 The back of the lid of the box says that this tea bowl was made by the taste of Kanamori Munekazu and presented to Tofukumonin, and it is a graceful tea bowl suitable for such an inheritance. Both bowls are stamped with the small seal of Ninsei on the base.
 Both bowls were once in the possession of Masuda Jun’o, and after World War II, they were placed in the collection of the World Salvation Church and are now in the possession of the MOA Museum of Art.

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