Ninsei: kembyo (small standing screen on writer’s desk) in the shape ofa peony flower, white glaze

Ninsei: kembyo (small standing screen on writer's desk) in the shape ofa peony flower, white glaze
Ninsei: kembyo (small standing screen on writer's desk) in the shape ofa peony flower, white glaze
Ninsei: kembyo (small standing screen on writer’s desk) in the shape ofa peony flower, white glaze

Height 13.1cm, left and right 13.7cm
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 This inkstone may have been made in the style of the Chikan celadon inkstone screens. The inkstone is decorated with peony flowers in relief and is covered with a cloudy white glaze. According to the “Tokugawa Jikki,” an inkstone screen was presented to the Shogun by the Ninna-ji Palace in the first year of the Tenwa Period, so this inkstone may have been of this type. The foot represents four peony leaves. The reverse side of the inkstone bears the seal of Ninsei, and there are about five sticking marks on the bottom.

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