Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with design of gourds and tendrilscrolls, iron brown under glaze

Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with design of gourds and tendrilscrolls, iron brown under glaze
Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with design of gourds and tendrilscrolls, iron brown under glaze
Ninsei: tea bowl with squared mouth with design of gourds and tendrilscrolls, iron brown under glaze

Height 7.4cm, mouth diameter 13.5cm x 14.2cm, base diameter 4.6cm
 This is a thin and graceful tea bowl with a rounded waist, and the four sides of the mouth are made in the shape of a peach. The inside of the base has been clearly shaved, and the left side of the bowl is stamped with a cocoon-shaped seal of Ninsei. What is unusual is the expression of the gourd arabesque pattern on the body, which is probably a gourd and its connecting arabesque tendrils painted on the base with gourd ink or something, then brushed with a thin layer of iron glaze, and further covered with a transparent overglaze, and it seems that the painted pattern drawn with gourd ink disappeared and was left white when the bowl was fired. This is a rare example of a tea bowl with this kind of painting, and is a valuable material for understanding the technique of Ninsei. Omuroyaki” on the front of the lid of the inner box and “Yamashina Bishamondou yori de (Hanashii)” on the back of the lid are both inscribed by Hirase Roka.

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