Ninsei: futa-oki with openwork shippo (interlocking circles) design,white opaque glaze

Ninsei: futa-oki with openwork shippo (interlocking circles) design,white opaque glaze
Ninsei: futa-oki with openwork shippo (interlocking circles) design,white opaque glaze
Ninsei: futa-oki with openwork shippo (interlocking circles) design,white opaque glaze

Height 5.3 cm, Body diameter 4.6 x 4.6 cm, Quadruped
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 This is a four-sided frame with a cloisonne pattern on the top and sides, and the entire surface is covered with a slightly thicker, cloudy white glaze with mottled mottling. The lower frame is stamped with the seal of Ninsei on the back of the side.

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