Kenzan: futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea ceremony) with flowerdesign, enamelled ware

Kenzan: futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea ceremony) with flowerdesign, enamelled ware
Kenzan: futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea ceremony) with flowerdesign, enamelled ware
Kenzan: futa-oki (kettle-lid rest for use in tea ceremony) with flowerdesign, enamelled ware

Height 5.1 cm, mouth diameter 5.1 cm, bottom diameter 4.6 cm
Hatakeyama Memorial Museum
 This piece is a copy of a bamboo lid rest, also painted in white on the entire surface, with six-petaled small flowers in rust paint scattered throughout the body, glazed with transparent glaze and fired, with green leaves and red ground. The inner edge is painted in white with the inscription “Qianzan” in iron pigment on a white ground, and the inside is also covered with transparent glaze. Only the tatami-matted part of the lid has been decorated with clay.

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