Sue ware: jar with decorative base

Sue ware, jar with decorative base
Sue ware: jar with decorative base
Sue ware: jar with decorative base

Excavated from Minamizuka Tumulus, Ibaraki City, Osaka
6th century
Height 7.8cm, Mouth diameter 18.4cm, Bottom diameter 22.2cm x 24.7cm
Osaka Prefectural Board of Education
 Decorated jars with a wide mouth and high pedestal were widely produced from the early to mid-6th century.
 Such decorated jars tended to be concentrated mainly in the Kinai region and the Chugoku region, especially in Okayama Prefecture. This example has a lively decoration with nine figures, a boar, a horse, and two small figures each, but three figures are missing. The figures are in a variety of movements, including one dancing and another appearing to be taking a corner, and although the animals and the figures are poorly rendered, the figures are well captured.

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