Kaiyu ware: Jar with carved design

Kaiyu ware: Jar with carved design
Kaiyu ware: Jar with carved design
Kaiyu ware: Jar with carved design

Excavated from the site of an old kiln, Morowa, Togo Town, Aichi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
9th century
Height 11.1cm, mouth diameter 10.7cm, body diameter 14.9cm, bottom diameter 6.6cm
 This small, flat-rimmed jar with a horizontally bent mouth rim is not so common. It is made of high-quality grayish-white clay and shaped on the potter’s wheel with the lower half of the body shaved off. The ash glaze on the shoulder is not certain whether it is natural or artificial. The lower half of the body is decorated with cedar leaf-shaped inscriptions in six directions from the shoulder to the lower half of the body. Although it is not clear what the design was intended to express, it is a rare example of an ancient style jar with inscriptions, probably dating from the latter half of the 9th century.

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