Seto ware: vase, ash glaze.

Seto ware: vase, ash glaze.
Seto ware: vase, ash glaze.
Seto ware: vase, ash glaze.

Excavated from Babacho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
15th century
Height 26.0 cm, mouth diameter 4.5 cm, body diameter 16.5 cm, bottom diameter 9.3 cm
 Production of ume vases declined sharply in the Muromachi period (1333-1573). This is a trend common to four-mimi jars and vases, but it was probably due to a decline in demand for religious use. As a result, production of vases with thicker orifices and angular, large-bottomed vases changed. This is one of the typical plum vases of the mid-15th century. It is water-glazed with a yellowish-white, slightly zanguri-shaped base and decorated with a wavy pattern on the shoulder. The ash glaze is similar to a yellow glaze due to oxidative firing.

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