Tokoname ware: jar with four handles.

Tokoname ware: jar with four handles.
Tokoname ware: jar with four handles.
Tokoname ware: jar with four handles.

14th century
Height 21.3cm, Bore 10.0cm, Body 18.0cm, Bottom 7.0cm
Tokoname City Institute of Ceramic Art
 There are not so many four-lobed jars in Ko-Joname. The basic shape is that of a small jar such as a san-suji jar, and is not a direct copy of a Seto four-mimi jar. It is likely that they only learned how to add side ears. The base is a coarse grayish-black clay, and the surface of the vessel is adjusted by rolling up the corded clay and shaving the body. The body was ground to adjust the surface. The firing was relatively good, with a yellowish-green natural glaze on the shoulder.

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