Kagamigawa (Mirror River)


Chukko specialty. Kinkasan tea caddy, handmade by Shinnyo-do. The inscription is based on the poem “Kagamigawa kakemiru Tsuki ni sukimete mikutsu no hatsukashikikana,” which was written in the poem “Kagamigawa kakemiru Tsuki ni sukimete mikutsu no hatsukashikana” by Hirota Sha Uta Gogetsu in August, 1128, in “Ogishu” by Jingi Hakkenchu. The Shinnyodo Techu Kushi is even more beautiful, and there is almost no difference between this tea caddy and the original poem. It was originally owned by Seki Zen’emon, a senior official in the Ginza district, and disappeared for a while after his forfeiture in 1714 (Shotoku 4). (Later, it became the property of a certain Takeya in Osaka, and later entered the Ueno family in the same area.)

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