Kirigoki (Wu ware, cut Wu ware)

Kirigoki (Wu ware, cut Wu ware)
Kirigoki (Wu ware, cut Wu ware)
Kirigoki (Wu ware, cut Wu ware)

A type of Korean wu ware tea bowl. There are various theories, but they can be roughly classified into the following four types. (1) Motoyaki, which has a deeply concave prospective tea reservoir that looks as if it has been poked with the head of a cone. The wheel is similar to that of a fishmonger, and the glaze has a bluish tinge, sometimes with a red or yellow fire change. (2) A body with two or three stripes on the body or on the side of the base, as if gouged by a cone. The clay is a reddish grayish color similar to aoido, and the glaze has a yellowish tinge similar to the sides of a well. Ware with this glaze stand is called kiri-kureware even if there are no striations. (3) A piece with a neatly cut-out shape between the base and the mouth. (4) Ware with a cut-out base. The glaze colors of the other three are similar. All of the above are examples of wu ware, i.e., tall, with a deep prospect, a high base, and an opening to the outside. (Manpo-Zensho, Chawani-Meri-Shu, Pottery Shukai, Koryo Chawan to Seto-no Chajiri)

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