Kin Gin-suji (gold and silver stripes)

Kin Gin-suji (gold and silver stripes)
Kin Gin-suji (gold and silver stripes)
Kin Gin-suji (gold and silver stripes)

Specialty. Kuniyaki tea bowl, by Ninsei. A half-tube braided tea bowl with gold stripes on the larger side and silver stripes on the smaller side. This is a piece of work by Ninsei, who devoted himself to the best in coloring and execution of his work. It was originally a gift from Tofukumonin to Doi Sagami-no-Mamoru, who was a favorite of Kanamori Munekazu, and after the Meiji Restoration, it passed through Yamazumi Rikizo, Hirase Kamenosuke, Masuda Benizen, and then Masuda Shinya. It is currently in the collection of the Hakone Art Museum. (Taisho Meikikan)

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