Kundaikan kanso choki


This book was compiled by Noami and Aami, companions of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the 8th Shogun.
This book is a kind of chronicle of the Shogun’s family, covering everything from the decoration of the meeting hall or shoin to how to place utensils, a list of the vast number of karae paintings collected by successive generations of shoguns and their items, descriptions of ceramic lacquer tea utensils, and instructions on karamono mairi, etc. The name of this book is said to indicate that it was presented to the Shogun for his viewing of the Daiguan.
The articles are arranged in the following order: the author of the painting, decorations in the tatami room, decorations in the shoin (study room), decorations on the tea ceremony shelves, carvings, copper, objects from the tea ceremony pit, clay objects, leaf tea pots, matcha pots, vases, and inkstone stones, some of which are accompanied by illustrations.
The most important ceramic artifacts include celadon and white porcelain as tea ceremony utensils, and tenmoku tea bowls and matcha pots as clay objects.
In addition to the Noami Okushobon (Gunsho Ruishobon), addressed to Ouchi Sakyo Hitonobu on March 12, 1476, and the Souami Okushobon (Tohoku University Book), dated October 16, 1511, there are various variants of this book.

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