Geppaku (moonlight)

Geppaku (moonlight)
Geppaku (moonlight)
Geppaku (moonlight)

Chukko specialty. Shinchu old tea caddy, nodate. The origin of the inscription is unknown.
The base glaze is a light purple tinged with a rat color, and the luster is beautiful. Originally owned by Kobori Enshu, it was given to Inaba Mino by his son Izumi no Mamoru Masatsune as a memento of Kobori Bichu no Masayuki (Soukei) on December 28, 1674 (Enpo 2), and later passed from Inaba Tanba to Hosokawa Echu, and became the property of Matsudaira Shudenobu, lord of Hizen Shimabara domain around Gembun (1736-141), and has been in the possession of the same family since then. This water basin was sold for 56,900 yen at the Matsudaira family tool auction in December 1918 (Taisho 7), and was delivered to the Masuda family.
(Meimono Ki, Kokin Meimono Ruiju, Rimpo Kameryu, Taisho Meikikan)

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