A pottery kiln located in Hongzhou (Nanchangbu, Jiangxi Province) during the Tang Dynasty in China. Its products are said to have been yellowish-black in color. The Tea Sutra says, “The color is brown and the brown is black, and the quality is second only to Shouzhou. The site of the Hongzhou kiln is located about 4 km south of Nanchang, but there are still many unknowns about the products of this kiln because excavations have not yet been conducted. A large dish with lotus petals carved in a single slit belonging to the Yokogawa Collection of the Tokyo National Museum is considered to be a Hongzhou celadon of the late Tang dynasty, but the glaze color is yellowish due to oxidative firing, and the glassy glaze surface is covered with fine penetrations. The quality of the celadon is similar to that of Yuezhou celadon.