Taichiro Kobayashi


Born in Kyoto on December 27, 1901. After graduating from Kyoto Imperial University, he studied at the Sorbonne in France. During this time, he came into contact with Dantre Corcor’s “Memoirs of a Porcelain Shop in China” and published a Japanese translation in 1943. After returning to Japan, he worked at the Osaka Municipal Museum of Art and became a professor at Kobe University. In November 1948, he received the first Mainichi Publication Culture Award for his “Yamato-e Historiography. His research systematized the artistic theory of “Formation from Desire” and covered all aspects of art, and he wrote numerous books on ceramics in particular, which greatly influenced later scholars and potters. In addition to “Shina toorashi mitamonroku,” his main publications include “Shina toorashi zushitsu,” “Chosun toorashi zushitsu,” “Kakiemon to imari,” “Toyo chosa porcelain kanjiru,” “Tang and Song white porcelain,” “Kenzan,” “Korin and Kenzan,” “Hokusai and Degas,” etc. in the Chinese edition.

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