Zhou Xin Guan (Zhou Shen Guan)


A man of the Ming Dynasty in China. Higashijima Tokuemon, who transmitted the method of red painting to Kakiemon, received the method from him. It is also said that Kakiemon later went to Nagasaki and received the technique of gold and silver burning directly from him. In the Nagasaki Jitsuroku Taisei (Nagasaki Jitsuroku Taisei) and Nagasaki Nenpyo (Nagasaki Chronological Table) articles from Shoho (1644-8), he is referred to as Shuchin-kan. The name “Sokugan” in the “Nagasaki Jitsuroku Taisei” and “Nagasaki Nenpyo” (Nagasaki Jiryo) is probably an error.

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