
Second son of Sokei (different from Aumeya), the second generation of the Raku family. His first name was Yoji, later Kichizaemon. He took the name Sokei, but later changed it to Jokei. In a letter written by the tenth generation Tan’iru, we read, “The second generation received the seal of Raku from Lord Toyo, and has been called Juraku ware ever since. Some believe that although Jokei received the gold seal, it was Doyuri III who used it, and that the seal was not used by Jokei II (although some of Jokei’s works have the Raku-zaiseki seal). The only known example of this type of bowl is found in the “Taisho Meikikan” (Taisho Meihiki Gan), and it is also unmarked. The style of this work has a sense of solidity and dignity, and the Kuro-ragaku bowls are made in the so-called “Doan Kuro” style. It was Jokei who perfected the white glaze (also called “incense burner glaze”) used in Shiraku tea bowls and incense burners. It is said that Daikyoan Koetsu received the Raku pottery method from Tsunekei, and gave him the Raku family crest as a gift. He died in 1672 at the age of 75.

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