Shiroyakusude (White Yakute, White Yakusyo)


Kato Kage-nobu of the Kusjiri Kiln in Mino Province (Gifu Prefecture) produced his first white Yakute ware during the Tensho and Bunroku periods (1573-96), and presented a white Yakute tea bowl to the Emperor Shojincho, who gave it the name Asahi-yaki. At the same time, he was appointed as the governor of Chikugo.
This white Yakute is probably what is known today as Shino ware. The tea bowls he presented are said to be Shino Oribe. In addition, “Morita Kyuemon’s Diary” states, “In a place called Kushiri in Mino, pottery is being made, large white pieces are being fired, and water jars and tea bowls are being fired,” which confirms that white Yakute was already being fired at the Kushiri kiln. (“History of Mino Pottery”)

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