Bearded Tokkuri

Bearded Tokkuri
Bearded Tokkuri
Bearded Tokkuri

Also called “king’s mask. An ancient manuscript from the Kyoho period (1716-36) says, “This is a karamono, but it has a human mask on the top of the sake cup,” and “It is a narimono with a king’s mask engraved on the ground.” A human mask with a beard is pasted on the neck in thin layers, and an indigo salt glaze runs over the design. There are differences in the shape and size of the design pasted on the neck and belly. Imported during the Edo period (1603-1868), it was copied by Sangyo Dohachi, Taishu Shiga ware, Hiraga Gennai, Kigome, and others. There are various theories as to where it was created, such as the Netherlands, England, and Germany.

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