Matsumae katatsuki

Matsumae katatsuki
Matsumae katatsuki
Matsumae katatsuki

This tea caddy is a Daimonokotsuki Kose-To kagasuki (tea caddy with a handle). Matsumae may be the name of the original owner, but the identity is unknown. The overall color is a dark, chestnut-like persimmon-gold, with a black glaze on the base. There is a spot where rat-colored clay has been inserted into the black glaze like a half-moon at the hem. The thread cutting is rough. It was later passed down to Satake Ukyo-tayu, lord of the Akita domain, who presented it to the shogunate during the Genroku era (1688-1704), and it was then passed down to the Tokugawa Soke family. (Gankan Meimono Ki, Kokin Meimono Ruiju, Kanseijyushu Shujyu Shujyu, Taisho Meikikan)

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