Chuko Meibutsu. Manchu Kocha-iri, Fujishiro Shunkei, Yukiyanagi Tebon-uta.
It was originally owned by Sasuke Murase, a vassal of Enshu Kobori. Formerly owned by Murase Sasuke, a vassal of Kobori Enshu.
The name was taken from the following poem by Enshu because of its resemblance to snow falling on the branches of a willow tree. The poem was inscribed with the words, “Katsuragi ya haru no niyuki no huru willow yoseme wa otsuru taki no shiraito” (The White Threads of the Waterfall). Later, after serving as Marquis of Shimabara, it entered the Nezu Kaichiro family.
It is now in the collection of the Nezu Museum. (Chakki Bengokushu, Chayu Hyorin, Chado Sosho, Chado Meimono Kou, Chado Meimono Kou)