Rikyu Moso (Rikyu Mono Sangyo)

Rikyu Moso (Rikyu Mono Sangyo)
Rikyu Moso (Rikyu Mono Sangyo)
Rikyu Moso (Rikyu Mono Sangyo)

A great masterpiece. Eggplant tea caddy by Han. It is so named because of its shape, which resembles a bowl for serving rice. It is also known as “Mokuha Saru” (meaning “leaf monkey”). It has a beautiful yellow luster and an interesting blue lapis lazuli-colored curtain pattern inside, and the glaze quality is similar to that of half-moon bunrin. The glaze quality is similar to that of Hanzuki-bunrin. It is described as an extremely thoughtful tea caddy with a large Wabi-zukuri design. Originally owned by Rikyu, it was passed down through the Shogunate, the Date family, and the Osaka Masuya Heiemon family before entering the Iwasaki family after the Meiji Restoration. (Taisho Meikikan, “Taisho Meikikan”)

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