Kameyama ware: jar.

Kameyama ware: jar.
Kameyama ware: jar.
Kameyama ware: jar.

Excavated from Yoshi-cho, Ibara-shi, Okayama
13th century
Height 27.5-28.0cm, mouth diameter 22.8cm, body diameter 32.9cm, bottom diameter 18.5cm
Katsuyama Town Central Community Center
 This small jar is a good example of the grayish-white, tile-like characteristics of Kameyama ware.
 The upper half of the short neck is turned outward and folded back to form a slightly wide rim band. The upper surface is flattened. The surface of the jar has a fine lattice pattern and the inner surface has a concentric circle pattern, which has been beaten from both the inside and outside. The molding technique of the Sue ware jar was probably followed. The bottom is large in diameter with a flat bottom that is slightly raised. The clay is weak and the mouth rim is markedly distorted by firing.

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