Bizen ware: jar with comb-mark incisions.

Bizen ware: jar with comb-mark incisions.
Bizen ware: jar with comb-mark incisions.
Bizen ware: jar with comb-mark incisions.

15th century
Height 31.8 cm, mouth diameter 14.6 cm, body diameter 23.1 cm, bottom diameter 15.0 cm
 The width of the rim is wider at 1.7 cm, and the smooth border between the rim and the neck is a new trend. The comb-work on the shoulders is also formalized and should be dated to the latter half of the 15th century. The body is made of rolled-up cord and is joined in five sections. It is well fired and brownish brown in color, with a dark green natural glaze applied from the shoulder to the body, adding color. There is a geta mark on the bottom.

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