Seto tea bowl of Haku (white) temmoku type

Seto tea bowl of Haku (white) temmoku type
Seto tea bowl of Haku (white) temmoku type
Seto tea bowl of Haku (white) temmoku type

Height 6.8 cm, mouth diameter 11.7 cm, base diameter 4.3 cm
Important Cultural Property
Tokugawa Art Museum
 This tea bowl is said to have belonged to the late Muromachi period (1333-1573) tea master Takeno Shaowo (1502-55). The body is rounded, and the base is roughly carved in a ring shape, quite different from the Seto Tenmoku of the earlier period. The area from the base to the waist is covered with a thick ash glaze mixed with feldspar, and there is a glassy light green glaze pool in the prospective and outer glaze break areas. The clay is a rather rough white clay, but it has turned grayish brown, probably due to changes in the clay during its transmission. It is estimated to have been fired in the late Muromachi period (1333-1573), but the kiln in which it was fired is not known. A similar piece, Shiratenmoku, which was handed down from the Maeda family, is well known.

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