Yellow Seto tea bowl with floral design

Yellow Seto tea bowl with floral design
Yellow Seto tea bowl with floral design
Yellow Seto tea bowl with floral design

Height 7.9 cm, mouth diameter 11.0 cm, base diameter 7.4 cm
Kitamura Mieikan
 A semi-tubular form with a body strap. A series of pieces believed to have been made for mukozuke are used today for tea bowls. Among them, “Namba” and the tea bowl that came down to the Minami Mitsui family are extremely famous, and this tea bowl is one of the representative works. The glazed surface is strongly yellowish, and the gallstone on the body is also darkly colored. The body of this tea bowl is also darkly colored. The mouth of this bowl is slightly tilted in, which is unusual for this type of bowl, and the body is taut, similar to the form of the Kizeto bowl. However, the high base is carved wide and low, suggesting that it was fired not as a tea bowl but as a mukozuke (a bowl for serving tea).

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