Cylindrical tea bowl

Cylindrical tea bowl
Cylindrical tea bowl
Cylindrical tea bowl

Height 11.0 cm, mouth diameter 11.1 cm, base diameter 5.2 cm
Umezawa Memorial Museum
 This is a cylindrical tea bowl with a sharply curved mouth, a ridge at the waist, and a high base, which is rare in Karatsu. Moreover, the base of the bowl has a flat bottom without any cutting, and is cut with a circular thread. The entire surface of the bowl is covered with feldspar glaze up to the edge of the base, leaving finger marks at the base and blotches on the glazed surface, creating an austere scene. According to the description on the box, it was passed down to Honami Koetsu, Fujimura Youken, and Yamamoto Tuan, and later became part of the Tamura family’s collection.

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